

I aim to tell the human story with competence, continuity and flair.

The Hardest Lesson I Ever Learned as a Millennial

Millennials have the most stress, according to numerous studies, and females more than males.

Millennials have more friends than ever before, Facebook numbering them in the thousands. But most counted are flaky acquaintances.

Millennials are more available and accessible than ever before – open and honest on their “walls” and other social media platforms. But is the persona that’s drawn even real?

Millennials take risks every day in relationships in a world full of superficiality. Our parents’ marriages are never guaranteed to last. Dating in romantic relationships has been reduced to a “swipe right, swipe left” mentality. Friendships are easily lost with the aura of accessibility with tools like Facebook and WhatsApp.

When it comes to human relationships, as a millennial, I’ve only recently learned the hardest lesson I’ve ever had to learn. And I think it’s one we all learn at some point or another in our lives. Some learn it later than others; some learn it at a greater cost; some learn it without even realizing they have:

Reading ‘Shades of Grey’ for academic credit

“The Fifty Shades Trilogy” is a 3-credit, 300-level American Studies course at American University focusing on “Fifty Shades of Grey” — the book that inspired conversations about “mommy porn” and received both praise for dragging readers into a fantasy world and criticism for cluttering their minds with X-rated, erotic scenes. Students get made fun of for taking it, parents don’t believe it has academic value and readers familiar with the class’s required books are often repulsed by the subject. Continue reading…

Swat the Fly

The table was too small and our chairs were squished one next to the other, but all the more fitting. It was an intimate moment, full of discussion of none other than Lucifer and the times he tries to enter each of our lives in incredibly subtle but poisonous ways. Giving our “confessions” – this was at a Bible study, by the way – meant fessing up. Confessions require humility. A few remarkable things happened…. Continue reading…

Dating 101: “I wish I were mature enough for that”

One weekday night, at a bar and out with friends, I was in the ladies room washing my hands. The woman at the sink adjacent to me let out a heaving sigh, looking downcast. I asked her what was wrong. She said “boys,” and left it at that. She seemed like she needed someone to talk to her, and so I asked: “What do you mean?” She relented: “Well, there’s this guy out there right now; we used to date….” Continue reading…

Joe Paterno’s soul, legacy will live on

When I received the news of Joe Paterno’s death, I was not ready for my response. I felt sorrow, pain, mistaken, hurt, torn and broken. My response was a response that many had. We don’t know how to react when we lose an icon, a hero. We feel betrayed, insecure and even naked. Our feelings are overpowering and the tears begin to flow. Despite all of this, despite my repulse toward the whole situation…. Continue reading…

The shot of a bullet, ringing in my ear, blood on my neck and run for my life

My 2012 resolution wasn’t formed on a friend’s balcony on New Year’s Eve. It wasn’t even formed on or after New Year’s Day. It formed with the shot of a bullet, a ringing in my ear, blood on my neck and a terrifying run for my life. It formed on a night I will never forget. “Come on, just stay a bit longer,” my friend said, his group of friends egging him on. Continue reading…

Largest Francophone festival in the world returns to Washington

With 220 million French speakers worldwide, French advocates think the language and its culture deserve a toast. The largest celebration of French culture and language in the world…. Continue reading…

Christ is in Your Bloodstream: Think About It | Week 1

As a cradle Catholic, I did everything right. In grade school, I aced my classes, did extracurricular activities and was often called “Miss Goody Two-Shoes.” I was an average child.Continue reading…

Hollywood “Finally Got it All Right”

For once, a Hollywood star finally got it all right. With lyrics that claim: I get to be the other half of you …This is certainly nothing like a Rihanna or Miley Cyrus love song. It’s pretty much a wedding vow. Continue reading…

Homebound After College: A Blessing in Disguise?

“So where are you living now?”  “Same place as before.” “Oh, you mean…” “Yes, I’m still at my parents’ house.” “Oh. [Insert quick change of subject].” Continue reading…